
Disclaimer: First off... to any of you who might have found my diary, and now know what town I live in, and some of my common friends, please don't share this diary with anyone. This is my private place to vent my frustrations. If you want to read it... that's fine.. but don't go passing it around is what I mean. I don't go searching for your dirty laundry to publish throughout the world. Leave me a comment, talk to me, whatever floats your boat... but don't go home and tell people from my area... "Hey... Guess what I found!!" Please... Thank You.

2005-07-25 - 1:41 p.m.
Biting is bad

Last Wednesday... my friend Lisa comes to see me at work. She pulls up her shirt sleeve to show me her left arm.

On her arm... was a beautiful black half circle, with a mirrored black half circle just opposite of it.

This my friends... was evidence of my teeth. See Lisa, sometimes gets bored and just walks up to people and bites them for no reason. She did this to me on Sunday, while we were at the Warped Tour, and let's just say, she finally met someone that will bite her back. (and for the record I didn't bite her that hard, she just bruises easily.)

She comes up to me and bites me... and then I chased her down and bit her back. Then we started wrestling and ended up rolling down this little hill we were sitting on (the the delight of the the many many males in the area I'm sure.). She ended up on top of me, and then I overpowered her, and sat on her with my knees pinning her arms down. I then sat and poked her in the nose repeatedly saying "NO biting!! Biting is BAD... NO BITING!"

It was something that you would have had to have been there to completely understand the hilarity of it. If our friend J, would have been a little quicker on the ball, we could have gotten video of it. As it is, we only got the last thirty seconds on video, because he had a hard time getting his phone out of his pocket. Shame on him... I would have shared that on the internet.

Hope everyone had a good weekend! My camera is supposed to finally arrive tomorrow! Yes I know... it was supposed to have been here last week. Then we got notice it was on backorder until late August. SO... then I found a different company to order it through. So... until tomorrow, I shall wait patiently for my new toy to come by UPS. Cheers to all...

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